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Case Studies in Public Sector Management

Course number : MGMT-0490    Section Number : E01
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This is an integrated capstone course designed to draw upon the student's earlier learnings in the field of public sector management. There will be extensive use of case studies. You will make extensive use of multi-dimensional case studies which expose you to real-life situations faced by public sector managers. Your learning will be re-enforced through study and discussion of the issues critical to managing in government today.

Class Details

4 Session(s)
Days of the Week :Multiple Days of the Week :
  Online 24/7.  
  Weekly(2) - Fri.  

N/A - Online

Instructor : TBD Instructor 

CEUs : 3



Please read:  Restricted to CPSM



Registration Closes On
Wednesday, January 22, 2025 @ 11:59 PM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
1/17/2025 - 2/23/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM N/A - Online TBD Instructor  Online
1/17/2025 - 2/14/2025 Weekly(2) - Fri 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM TBD TBD Instructor  ClassRoom

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