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Create New Student Profile

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* denotes required information.

Username: minimum 6 characters
Password: minimum 12 characters, must contain a number and any two of the following three: upper case, lower case, special characters (for example: (){}!@$%^&*)
Preferred Name (If different from first name)
Former Last Name (as a U of M student)

Primary Address
Secondary Address

Additional phone
Immigration Status*
Country of Citizenship

Country where the Learner has citizenship
Is English your first Language*
Yes No
*Country of Birth

Country where the Learner was born
Company Type*
Education Level*
Are you a graduate of the University of Manitoba? (Alumni)
Yes No
University of Manitoba Degree Achieved
I would like to apply for the University of Manitoba Alumni Benefit
Yes No
Eligibility Requirements
Subject and course number for discount
Mail preference
May we include you on our email list?*
Yes No

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